Work Experience


UX Lead

GE Healthcare - Boston

UX Strategy, design, research. Artificial intelligence, radiology, imaging workflow automation, dashboards and process management

2019 - Present


Senior UX Consultant

Publicis Sapient, New york / Boston

Goldman Sachs, Sanofi Pasteur, Moody’s — UX strategy, UX design, research and planning. Client facing, workshops, team leadership

2018 - 2019


UX Lead

Putnam Investments, Boston

Experience architecture, solution mapping, visual design

2016 - 2018


Founder & CEO

aericon, inc. Boston 

Mobile and desktop apps, brand architecture, UX design for large companies and leading agencies

2016 - 2018



Garfield group interactive,philadelphia

Digital marketing and content publishing for large pharmaceutical and biotech brands

2007- 2009


VP/Group Director

digitas, Boston

Senior executive, digital services account manager and project team leader.




Bridgeline Digital, vice president

Computer Science Corporation, UX designer

Compaq, interactive creative director

Digital Equipment Corporation, Senior visual designer