The Emotional Frequency Chart, or EFC, helps you measure polarity and intensity of your emotional state. Positive and negative emotions are scored ranging from the most negative (-10) to the most positive (+10). Emotional intensity is rated from the most calm (0) to the most excited (10) on the positive side and negative feelings are scored from the most overwhelming (0) to the most aggressive (10).  

This helps you feel better by giving you a baseline to assess your feelings and identify situations where you feel worse than the event merits. Everyone is different, but as humans we have similar beliefs regarding how we would expect a person to react to situations. I wouldn’t stab someone for giving me the wrong change, or sob hysterically because there are no more episodes to the TV series. 

Negative overreactions are common and often a sign that the situation is triggering unprocessed pain from the past and/or self destructive beliefs. The simple awareness of the relationship between your trigger and the related trauma or emotional residue can often cause that thought pattern to collapse.   

If you are going to overreact, a positive overreaction won’t hurt you. More peace and happiness can only improve your life. It’s proven that happiness, thoughts of gratitude and meditation have a wide range of mental and physical benefits. Try to imagine how you would feel if your wildest dreams came true. Remember that feeling and whenever you are walking, driving or have the presence of mind try to recreate that feeling. Never allow your mind to wander, it will look from problems. 

As science continues to unfold our world it seems like the underlying laws and dynamics support metaphysical and new age ideas. The premise that our thoughts and emotions represent different fields of vibrational frequencies and that we attract and are attracted to a reality that is on our same wavelength. It's not to hard to believe given that quantum physics suggests matter doesn't exist independent of conscious observation. Perhaps our thoughts do effect the physical world, or maybe it changes our biology and psychological condition so we seek and notice things that transform our circumstances. 

If you aren’t in a life or death situation do everything you can to stay out of the danger zone. These emotions compromise your problem solving ability and have a toxic impact on your health and the people around you. Ask yourself “Will this even make the 6 o’clock news?”.

+ Positive Examples

9.8 Won the lottery, discover you can fly, wakeup with washboard abs

9.1 Outer body spiritual bliss, spiritual awakening

8.2 Relaxing on a tropical beach

3.8 A nice dinner with a friend

3.4 A long walk in nature

2.1 Watching TV

1.7 A brisk hike

- Negative Examples

-9.9 Someone attacks your child, witness brutal murderous attack of your group

-9.1 You learn your child, parent or spouse died suddenly

-7.3 Witness a person killed in a car accident

-6.7 Get back stabbed out of a promotion by a colleague

-3.7 Get cut off in traffic by hostile driver

-2.3 Learn a person well known your social group has terminal cancer

-1.6 That song you hate is stuck in your head

You may rate these events differently. It may be helpful to come up with some examples of your own. The goal is to avoid going over-the-top when it doesn't really matter that  much.


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